About Pair


We Pair people we know to companies
we worked with...  

Who we are?

Pair recruitment is a boutique recruitment company, helping the telecom industry to pair between people and companies. Founded in 2018 by an experienced entrepreneur, who recognised the need for a specific recruitment firm in the telecom environment. It is a privately-owned company.  

Pair offer an agile and prompt approach, with in-depth qualified interviews with the candidates, as part of the company knowledge of the industry.

Our goal is to minimise the time employers spend on recruitment providing quality interviews rather than just interviews. We carefully select the candidates and put forward only relevant people that fit the role and the organisation's culture.

Why we are different?

Pair Recruitment has been established to provide a solution to a changing environment. Jobs are changing as technology evolve. We know the industry, the roles and the people in it. We understand the technology and the requirements of the roles, that comes with it.  The combination between our industry knowledge and the relationships we have, allows us to pair candidates and employers perfectly. 

about Pair

Listen to the podcast, been held at itw, Chicago, May 2018.

click here

From the News.....

The birth of the digital telecom employee

An article been written by Pair's founder and Hot Telecom CEO about the new digital transformation in human resource..... 
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